Sunday, June 17, 2012

What Grows

This year we discovered that we have a Fringe Tree (Chionanthus virginicus)!  We knew there was a mystery tree getting swallowed by the enormity of the beautybush (light pink flowers on the right), but realized it is a Fringetree when it started blooming this spring.  I'm not sure what we are going to do with it.  Ideally it would be transplanted but the root system is probably pretty entwined with the beautybush and the small dogwood tree to it's left.  We may leave that project for next spring...

The veggie garden getting going...

we had an abundance of strawberries this year from our spreading patch.

hens checking out the blooming Clematis and photographer.

We have a few pears on each of our new pear trees this year so fingers crossed they won't get the black spot that killed off the fruit last summer.

Our annual snapdragons didn't die this past winter and the white ones just kept on growing!  I've never seen them this tall!

Garden beds and our new car!  A generous gift from my grandmother.  We still have the Volvo to match so now we are a 2 maroon station wagon family.

Siberian Iris

Gas plant

the St Johnswort  keeps getting bigger-

As do the woodland sunflowers...

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