Saturday, May 14, 2011

Spring Growth

We have been enjoying the new growth and blooms of spring just as much this year as last year. this year, there are a few more blooms to watch open on the plants we planted last year. here is a succession of the growth that has spring up so far...

early spring crocuses

Scilla siberica- Siberian Squills

Chaenomeles - Quince

pear flower buds

viburnum flower bud

once the crocuses go the trout lilies come up...they have speckled leaves. Erythronium americanum.

mixed in with the vinca

the quince in full glory.

the pear flowers open...

grape hyacinth

lavender (transplanted from ithaca) and a cup

vinca minor sips espresso...

cornus florida- flowering dogwood gets going...

the solomon's seal rises from the trout lily patch - polygonatum

trollius europaeus (globeflower) planted last year...

fothergilla 'Blue shadow'- also planted last year.

the lilac bursts into bloom (syringa vulgaris)

the viburnum that came with the house has a delicious scent (viburnum carlesii?)

the cherry and flowering dogwood brighten up the edges of the lot

walking iris bloom- Neomarica gracilis

pulmonaria- lungwort, planted last year

white flowering dogwood- too high for up-close shots.

the pink variety really opens up...

seedless concord grape, planted last year...

the spring blooms come and go quickly- at the moment the lilac is in full bloom and we look forward to discovering what is next!

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