Sunday, April 25, 2010

Homesteading: planting the farm

a little more demo and hole digging had to happen before the new plants were delivered.

taking out one of many chokecherries

trying to dig holes where the wall of shrubbery was the day before.

more brush removal

soil left over from starting the raised veggie beds

plant delivery with a fancy crane

new plant locations: two new pears flank the assembled fire pit (our old boiler). on the left is a d'anjou pear, on the right is a red bartlett.


red bartlett

two highbush blueberry bushes (in soil amended with peat even though we have pretty acidic soil)- on the left is patriot, on the right is chippewa.

wee hollyhock seedlings look on from inside

the veggie garden

some things are already up! sugar snap peas, onions, broccoli, lettuce, radishes, the front right bed are plants transplanted from ithaca- walking onion, chives, sage, thyme and garlic planted last fall from our friends in ithaca.

a stanley plum

the ornamental onion bed

summer sweet clethra

Amelanchier laevis, serviceberry, or shadbush

serviceberry 'autumn brilliance'

the old boiler. though no pictures were taken during its assembly know this: just the middle section weighs hundreds of pounds! we couldn't take any pictures because we were both on duty the whole time. think pulley system with a winch and ladder, plus a car jack, 2x4s and bricks.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hannah & Tim,

    I love you blog!

    I saw this article about building your own outdoor cob oven and thought of you guys.
